Rowshan Jamal, a 68 years-old farmer resides in Telkhola. Despite facing ups and downs in her life,
Rowshan remained determined to was perseverant to make ends meet for her family. In a region
where agriculture serves as the primary livelihood, Rowshan knew the importance of farming for her
sustainability. However, lacking her own land, she relied on borrowed land to cultivate vegetables.
Fortunately, the LIFE project came to her support and providing her with high market value vegetable
seeds and practical trainings in agriculture. .
With great dedication and care, Rowshan grew radishes, red spinach, and eggplants, applying the
knowledge she acquired from the project’s training sessions to her farming practices. Her efforts paid
off when she earned 3,000 BDT from her eggplants and an additional 5,000 BDT from her radishes.
The income was a blessing for her family because it reduced some of her family’s financial burdens.
The training provided by the LIFE project was valuable to Rowshan. She learned knowledge on
important farming techniques, such as identifying and removing weeds and sucker branches which
were previously sapped nutrients from her crops. With the newfound knowledge, she mastered
irrigation technics, ensuring her crops flourished under her care.
“At my age, the one thing I can honestly count on in this world is my farming. It is what helped me to grow and made me financially solvent. We are very socioeconomically marginalized and under-served community, but through agriculture, we find hope. It’s not just about sustenance; it’s about securing
a better life for our children and grandchildren.”
For Rowshan Jamal, the benefits extended beyond financial gains, her grandchildren and other her
family members now have a balanced and nutritious diet, contributing to a healthier future. Rowshan
humorously remarks that her daughter-in-law no longer needs to depend solely on her son’s income,
as her engagement in their family’s farming endeavor has given her the opportunity to contribute to
the family.