Fields of activities: On-going Projects of CNRS

Sl.ProjectDuration (From To)  Main Focus of the Project  Budget (BDT)Client/DonorLocation
 USAID Ecosystems/Protibesh Activity-CNRS2021-2026The goal of the USAID-funded Protibesh cooperative agreement aims to build the Government of Bangladesh’s (GOB) capacity to respond to a wide array of threats to biodiversity conservation in collaboration with civil society organizations and community stakeholders.Around 22 coreChemonics/ USAIDSunamgonj, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Habiganj, Khulna, Bagerhat, and Satkhira Districts
 Climate Risk Insurance -Innovation to Enhance Resilience (CRI) Project2021-2022The vision of this project is that governments, the private sector, NGOs, poor men and women and other stakeholders collaborate to promote the adoption of risk transfer solutions (e.g. index insurance) at scale to protect the rights and enhance livelihood opportunities of poor men and women living in areas vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change.OXFAM8,500,000Kurigram District
 Resilience Boat resident communities in Bangladesh2021-2023Reducing waterborne disease for boat dwelling communities in Chandpur through installation of FWC and Women Leadership. Improving access to health/sanitation service for boat dwelling people. Empowerment of Health/Sanitation and Disaster Preparedness.OXFAM17,000,000Chandpur, and Bhola districts
 Access to Justice at Community2021-2023Establish dispute resolution/Restorative Justice mechanisms at the community level through RJ facilitators with support of community volunteers. Awareness raising on legal and social issues and information provision on required services in the community.14,512,177GIZKoyra Upazila, Khulna
 Sustainable Forests & Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project2021-2023The overall objective of the project is to improve collaborative forest management and increase access to alternative income generation activities for forest-dependent communities in targeted sites.52,242,655Bangladesh Forest DepartmentSunamgonj, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Hobigonj
 Gender -responsive Coastal Adaptation (GCA) Project2020-2023Enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change induced salinity, Bangladesh25,09,93,083UNDPKoyra, Khulna and Shyamnaga, Satkhira
 Improving Peaceful Coexistence and Livelihoods in Rohingya hosting areas in Bangladesh2019-2021Livelihood enhancement of host communities living around 7 refugee camps in Teknaf Upazila as well as supporting refugees towards building self-reliance.181,091,552UNHCRUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Maintaining Access to  Safe Environment in Rohingya camps in Bangladesh2019-2021Restoring and managing degraded hill stream watersheds in Ukhiya Upazila for the benefits of people (refugees and host communities) and natural environment and biodiversity while the other one99,660,591UNHCRUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Governance for Coastal Resilience Extension (G4CR-II) in Munshigonj Union, Shyamnagar upazila of Satkhira district, Bangladesh”2019- 2021The project aims to promote grassroots resilience approaches in the development policies and processes of local government bodies in the area of water availability, food security and resilient livelihoods.91,10,683new venture fund (NVF)Munshiganj union Satkhira
 Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh – SUCHANA (SCIBD), (WFC Part), (HKI Part)2015- 2022To achieve a significant reduction in the incidence of stunting among young children in the districts of Sylhet and Moulvibazar in Sylhet Division.  delivery of a set of integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions in partnership with GoB, NGOs and private sector actors to enhance food and nutrition security of very poor households.546,023,151  DFID/EU/Save the Children, WFC, HKI  Upazillas of Moulvibazar District i.e. Moulvibazar Sadar, Kulaura, Juri, Baralekha, Rajnagar, Kamolganj, and Sreemangal.
 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (HFMLIP)-LGED Part2015- 2022In accordance with the development direction of the Haor Master Plan (April 2012), the Project aims to achieve the development of the Haor area with an integrated approach through flood management infrastructure development, rural infrastructure development and agriculture and fishery promotion activities.11609200IC NET Limited (LGED Part)Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria distrcits
 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (HFMLIP)-BWDB Part2015- 2022In accordance with the development direction of the Haor Master Plan (April 2012), the Project aims to achieve the development of the Haor area with an integrated approach through flood management infrastructure development, rural infrastructure development and agriculture and fishery promotion activities.38,707,500NIPPON KOEI CO. LTD.Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria distrcits
 Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP-II)2018 -2022Capacity buiding of VCF and People’s forum for sustainable co-management of Sundarban41,072,052GIZKhulna, Bagerhat
 Domestic Solid Waste Management Project- Bibiyana (DWMP-BY)2018-2021Management of solid wastes generated from the plants and drilling campaign (Major Capital Projects) in several locations of Chevron operation in Sylhet District during 2013-2019.53,300,000Chevron BangladeshNabiganj, Habiganj
 Domestic Solid Waste Management Project- Jalalabad (DWMP-JB)2013-2021Management of solid wastes generated from the plants and drilling campaign (Major Capital Projects) in several locations of Chevron operation in Sylhet District during 2013-2019.50,300,000Chevron BangladeshJalalabad, Sylhet
 Waste Management Services Letter of Contraact (LoC) for use in Kanchan-1 Maheskhali2020-2021 (Extension of agreement is on process)The management of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes that include the establishment of ETP, proper collection, transportation, segregation and disposal in line with the applicable legal requirements that will be generated from the Kanchan-1 drilling programme in the land part of Block SS-04.9,078,947Sinopec International Petrolium Service CorporationCox’s Bazar
 Consultancy Agreement Water Management and Innovation Program2018-2021The goal of the consultancy is to support the fast track project on drainage in polder 2, including facilitation of the activities of the Water management Groups (WMGs) that will operate and manage the pilot sites; and monitor the outputs of the pilot sites developed as part of the fast track.4,342,861DELTARES, NetherlandSatkhira, Patuakhali
 Haor Advocacy Platform2012 to ongoingReduce community vulnerability through improvement of life and livelihoods of the poor and marginalized Haor communities in Bangladesh by improving governance situation of Haor areas by establishing a common and dynamic advocacy platform involving different actors/stakeholders; ensuring better support and services in the Haor area by influencing government, non-government and private sector actors/stakeholders through greater collaboration, coordination and community mobilization.3,161,000Previously funded by Oxfam Hong Kong, Now is going with CNRS own fundDhaka, Sunamganj, Moulvibazaar, Sylhet, Habiganj, Kishorganj, Netrokona, Brahbanbaria
 CNRS Microfinance1998 To dateTo develop the socio-economic condition of poor communities through economic activities and microfinance; Develop the habit and tendency of saving; develop women leadership; involve the women into direct production by prioritizing them in the loan program.241,930,120N/AMouvibazaar, Sylhet, Sunamganj, Magura, Jessore, Khulna, Bagerhat, Narail

Field of activities- Past Performance References of notable project

Sl. NoProjectDuration (From-To)  Main Focus of the Project    Budget (BDT)Client/DonorLocation
 Environmental Impact Monitoring of Rural Road Development Schemes3 year from October 1999Designing monitoring protocol, conduct baseline and post-intervention monitoring of variables related to fisheries, agricultural and settlement assets in selected 13 rural alignments in 11 districts of Bangladesh0.5 million US$      USAID /CARE- Ba       
 MACH (Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry)1998- 2010Participatory planning with the wetland users, production enhancement through habitat restoration, sanctuary establishment, watershed management, benefit and impact monitoring and awareness building.5.15 million US$USAID, Winrock International, BCAS and CARITASSreemongol, Kaliakoir and Sherpur
 DRR through FFA at Camps in Ukhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar2018-2021The project aims to enhace resilience to CC induced natural shocks of host community beneficiaries and people living in the camps.  561,593,127WFPUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Transboundary River for Our Sustainable Advancement-TROSA2017 – 2021Hisha conservation, empowerment of civil society organization, woem empowerment, action research, advocacy41,864,101Oxfam in BangladeshChadpur, Kuriggram
 Promotion of Resilient Livelihood Through Enhancing Opprtunities & Knowledge, Rejuvenating Institutions, and Adopting Ecotourism & Innovation (PROKRITI)2018-2021Promote engagement of development actors including enhancement of opportunities and knowledge for the community to promote resilient and sustainable livelihood options.  and increasing institutional strength with focus to improve ecotourism facilities8,394,163Christian AidSunamgonj
 Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-1 (CEIP-1)2019-2021Social mobilization including setting up WMOs for introduction of IWRM practices through preparation and implementation of Social Action plan through engagement of local communities and community groups for PSM and participatory O&M of schemes. Afforestation program specially in the fore-shore areas with ecologically appropriate species by adopting social afforestation approach. Implementation of the IPM practices.37,153,280BWDB/World BankKhulna
 Climate-Smart Agriculture assessment of farmers in major agro ecological zones of BangladeshJune 2021 to August 2021CSA assessment surveys have been developed for farmers and farmer organizations to identify strategies and tools for sustainable agriculture transitions that can be scaled up. Further, significant trade-offs can be expected between sustainable practices and productivity, especially as countries and farmers become eager to make up for losses experienced from the COVID-19 crisis.2,597,540FAO31 District
 Creating Livelihoods Opportunities for Host Communities through Environmental Rehabilitation2020-2021Enhancing the economic benefit of host communities through their engagement in the sustainable management of key natural resources within the agricultural farming community and fishery folks.5,501,468FAOTeknaf, Ukhiya, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar Sadar and Chakaria Upazila in Cox’s Bazar
 Process Monitoring of SDF2018 to 2021The Process Monitoring Agency i.e. CNRS is intended as partner of Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project of SDF, who will be the “eyes and ears’’ of the project at field level, feeding key observations and information to the staff and management.63,000,000SDF/World BankSylhet, Sherpur, Sariatpur, Satkhira, Rangpur, Mymensingh, Khulna, Gopalganj, Comilla, Chandpur, Barisal, Bagerhat
 Baseline Survey for Cox’s Bazar Resilience Programme under the project of OSRO/BGD/802/NET2019FAO’s Resilience Programme targets both household-level food security, as well as farmer group- level commercial production with technical support and market linkage development. The agricultural work is complemented by programming aimed to rebuild the natural resource base of the targeted upazilas, which have been heavily impacted by fire wood collection, a proliferation of hand pumps, the loss of agricultural land, degradation of topsoil and environmental contamination by soil and human waste.4,742,828.00FAOCox’s bazar
 Watershed for Social – ecological Resilience (W4SR) in Teknaf Peninsula2019-2020Building social-ecological resilience in the catchment of Rohingya impacted Reju Khal in Ukhiya. Priority watershed management interventions (other than biophysical and socioeconomic assessment)6,507,774FAOCox’s Bazar
 BGD Sida Local Child Protection Rohingya 2018-20202019-2020strengthen resilience and prevent and respond to different threats to the wellbeing of Rohingya children, families and host communities Child Protection, MHPSS, WASH, and self-reliance (FSL) activities.23483086Save The Children (SCiBD)Cox’s Bazar
 Access to Jalmahals and Khaslands in Haor areas in Sunamgonj (A2Jal)2019-2020Access to Jalmahal enabled for  fisher households and provided with capital, legal and input support for enabling them in Jalmahal, wetlands and ponds/ aquaculture management; part time fisher households accessed khas/ productive lands and provided with innovative technologies of climate variability resilient crops and input support;imparted skills on AIGA and with improved social services and public/private sector linkages.36,899,612Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)Sunamgonj
 Baseline Survey on Factory/ Industry (having 5 or more than 5 workers) Involves in Production of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Areas for Business Database.2018One of the features of this baseline surveys to listing business/economic activities of the DSCC area irrespective of establishments, permanent or temporary, are enlisted prior to the DSCC or not. It is mention worthy that this step will help to register under the MoLE that will create opportunities of revenue earing for the government. It also contributes to ensure effective use of public resources for social safety net support to the business people and workers during accidents as per the labour law of Bangladesh.50,00,000Ministry of Labour and Employment Government of the People’s Republic of BanglaDhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)
 Empowering Women and Youth through Graduation and Financial Inclusion2018Strengthen the social and economic resilience of 600 ultra-poor women through an adapted graduation approach and increase access of 12,400 women to financial inclusion services.616,516.00Concern Worldwide, BangladeshKurigram Sadar and Ulipur upazila of Kurigram
 Nutrition awareness and Support Services of NLIP, SDF Khulna Region2017- 2020Raise awareness, improve attitudes and practices that enhance nutritional outcomes for targeted beneficiaries in selected project areas and to support beneficiaries in optimizing nutrition through their livelihood activities.65,000,000SDF/World BankKhulna, Satkhira, and Rangpur
 Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change (PROTIC)2017-2020Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change (PROTIC) has been initiated to begin specifically addressing women’s economic empowerment in agriculture for resilience.12,000,000OXFAM in BangladeshSunamgonj
 Governance for Climate Resilience (G4CR)2017- 2019The project aims to promote grassroots resilience approaches in the development policies and processes of local government bodies in the area of water availability, food security and resilient livelihoods.27,12,270ICCCADMunshiganj union Satkhira
 Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL)2012-2019Scale up and adapt successful co-management models to conserve ecosystem and protected areas (Pas), improve governance of natural resources and biodiversity, and increase resilience to climate change through improved planning and livelihoods diversification.189,156,480USAIDSunamganj, Sylhet Tangail, Moulvibazaar, Khulna
 Reducing Dietary Related Risk Associated with Non-Communicable Diseases in Bangladesh (RDRNCD)2016- 2019Reducing Dietary Related Risks associated with Non-Communicable Diseases in Bangladesh (RDRNCD) project will work in 16 Upazillas of 8 Districts to improve dietary habits by enhancing the consumption of less processed and more diverse food, increasing the consumer demand for nutritious vegetables and fruits and scaling up indigenous vegetables to reduce dietary related risks associated with non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh.58,124,015International Development Research Center (IDRC)Moulvibazar, Sylhet, Sunamgonj, Sherpur, Jamalpur, Pabna, Khulna, Satkhira
 Enhanced Coastal Fisheries (ECOFISHBD) Project2015-2019Building social-ecological resilience through adoption of improved co-management governance of hilsha/catch fisheries and livelihoods of dependent communities in lower Ganges and Meghna estuary82,285,417 Chandpur, Shariatpur, Laxmipur
 Strengthering Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) in promoting inclusive and transparent Budget Process in Union Parishad2016- 2019Building capacity of civil society organizations, UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level21640217HELVETAS / GERMANYKhulna
 Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP)2017 -2018Capacity buiding of VCF and People’s forum for sustainable co-management of Sundarban15,812,861GOPA World Wide ConsultantKhulna, Bagerhat
 Scoping Study on Halda River under Environmental Governance for Climate Compatible Conservation of Water Quality in Rivers and Wetlands project2016-2019Socio-economic baseline studies, Participatory Action Plan Development Sessions (PAPD), pollution sources and load status including trends analysis, potential fisheries management measures identification, Actor mapping and Stakeholder Analysis, GIS mapping of river basins etc. Finally based on the outcomes of all these studies CNRS has designed an outline of future bankable project for Halda River conservation and management including monitoring and proposed to UNDP. UNDP (August 2016-December 2016), funding by CNRS for rest of the periodKhagraChari, Chittagong
 Expanding the Protected Area System to Incorporate Important Aquatic Ecosystem Project2018 to 2019Natural Resource Management8,295,000IUCN_BBagerhat
 Community Based Sustainable Management of Tanguar Haor Project (Bridging Phase)March 2018 to November 2018Natural Resource Management3,450,800IUCN_BSunamgonj
 Let Her Decide and Participate (LHDP)2017Women’s Leadership and Resilient Communities; Increase Women’s Participation and Leadership and Reducing Gender Based Violence and discrimination.213,427USDOXFAMSunamgonj
 Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation through Value Chain Analysis, Early Warning Needs, Collaborative Resource Management in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh2013-2014This project is designed to analyze and develop the value chain and marketing of selected products promoted by the project, develop a functional early warning communication system for (05) five vulnerable communities and provide policy inputs for multi-stakeholder adaptive resource governance at local level.4,339 USDDOE/ UNDPHatiya, Noakhali;  Charfassion, Bhola;  BargunaSadarBarguna and  Anwara, Chttagong
 Local Governance Programmme SHARIQUE Phase III 2014- 2017Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level0.29 million US$HELVETAS  Swiss IntercooperationKhulna
 Local Governance Programmme SHARIQUE Phase III 2014- 2017Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level HELVETAS  Swiss IntercooperationSunamgonj
 Post-harvest Survey on Seed Potato Producers,  Sweet Potato Producers and Vegetable Producers (commercial Farmers) to Document Results2014-2015 Document results that have been generated at farmers end as a result of technology dissemination on quality seed potato production, sweet potato production and vegetable production by estimating production per unit of land, consumption, sales, income generation, household nutritional status, household income, total preserved crop in storage and by assessing women extra workload due to USAID horticulture project intervention.20,191 USDUSAIDJessore, Faridpur, Barisal and Potuakhali.
 Impact Evaluation of the DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh2014-2015Impact Evaluation of DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh thataims to improve nutrition outcomes for young children, pregnant and lactating mothers, and adolescent girls. USD 171,000DFID29 districts of Bangladesh
 Urban Youth Development Project(c)2013-2016Youth employment generation, women empowerment, capacity building and sustainability. This project seeks to improve positive impacts on environment, community economic development and livelihoods, universal education, basic health and engage with basic needs of our stakeholders.22,029,414Chevron BangladeshSylhet, Habigonj
 Mangrove for Future (MFF)  2013 -2014Diversify land-water based livelihoods and increase food security to reduce IUCNTahirpur and Sunamganj
 Preparing Adaptation Management Plan on Coastal Afforestation, Livelihood Diversification and Early Warning Actions for four project sites2013-2014This project aims to ensure and brings communities and stakeholders together for sharing of activities and responsibilities through a coordinated mechanism leading to a structured system of perpetual adaptation of climate change impacts.44,939 USDDOE/ UNDPHatiya, Noakhali;  Charfassion, Bhola;  BargunaSadarBarguna and  Anwara, Chttagong.
 Building Adaptive Capacity to address climate change risks2012-2016Adaptive cropping trail to help farmers safe rice crop from flashfloods, health and education support to poor communities213,427USDOXFAM Hong KongTahirpur under Sunamgonj District
 Process Monitoring of Empowerment of Extreme Poor “Nuton Jibon” project for Northern Zone of Bangladesh2012-2015Empower the poor and strengthen local governance by developing sustainable, participatory and accountable rural community institutions; Reduce vulnerability of the poor to risks, in particular those associated with natural hazards and climate variability; Increase employment opportunities by enhancing skills, supporting expansion of income generating activities and strengthening access to markets and financial institutions; and Support small–scale demand–driven community investment sub-projects that are prioritized, implemented and managed directly by the rural poor.0.50 million US$SDF/World BankRangpur Region (Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari, Dinajpur and Naogaon districts); Jamalpur Region: (Jamalpur, Sherpur, Mymensingh, Sirajganj and Sylhet districts).
 Socio-economic baseline survey2011-2012Census over 120,000 HHs  through wealth ranking of 494 villages in 15 districts,  Baseline questionnaire survey of 5,000 HHs in 494 villages, Artifactual survey (qualitative exercise) in 494 villages0.15 million US$SDF/ World BankBagerhat, Patuakhali, Barguna, Pirojpur, Barisal, Rangpur, Dnajpur, Kurigram, Naogaon, Nilphamari, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Mymenssingh, Sirajganj and Sunamganj districts
 Alternative Livelihood Program (ALP)2011-2016The project is to build capacity of the people to acquire and analyze developmentally appropriate information and to make life choices based on this information and enhance livelihood capacity of the disadvantaged people by diversifying livelihood option.USD 104,421Chevron BangladeshSylhet
 CC&E Project2010-2012Community Consultation and Engagement-Block-7 Exploration Drilling Program Chevron BangladeshGolachipa, Patuakhali
 Integrated Protected Area Co-management  2010-2011Integrated Protected Area Co-management. Forest and wetland management, PRA with forest and wetland user groups, co-management of protected areas, development of alternative livelihoods and training, awareness, communication etc.01  million US$IRGSundarban, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Reserve forests in Moulvibazar district, National parks in Sylhet,Gazipur and Tangail districts, wetland sites in Sherpur, Sunamganj, Gazipur and Moulve Bazar districts
 Non-farm livelihood adaptation approaches and technologies2010-2012Identify the potential climate change induced risks on the farm activities, identify the potential alternative non-farm options for vulnerable poor people, strategies to mainstream non-farm options, required technologies and its viability for non-farm options, and present policy gaps.8.73m BDTUNDPLalmonirhat, Sirajganj, Faridpur, Kurigram, Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Bogra, Pabna, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Chapai NG, Nilphamari, Natore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Patuakhali, Bhola, Sherpur, Baguna
 Emergency support to the flash flood affected districts of haor regions (North-East part of Bangladesh)2010Distribute food package and rehabilitation programme.3.55 m BDT  Europium CommissionSunamgonj-Dharmapasha, Taherpur.
 Wetland biodiversity rehabilitation Project (WBRP)2009-2015Addressing rehabilitation of degraded wetland biodiversity of Jamina-Ganges river basin and enhancement of natural fish production and livelihood development of wetland dependent community.01.5  million US$DoF/GTZ/CNRSJamina-Ganges River Basin Upazila= Bera, Sujanagar & Santhi District= Pabna
 Swamp Forest Restoration in Haor Area of Sunamgonj district2009 -2017Ensure sustainable conservation of the swamp forests in the Haor basin of Bangladesh through effective participation and development of livelihood of poor communities.100,000 US$Arannayk FoundationSunamganj
 SHIREE 2009-2012Asset transfer, Adaptive cropping, Increase crop intensity to help extreme poor to come out of poverty and to minimize flashfloods effects as well as health and education support to poor communities. (DFID-Shiree)0.40  million US$DFIDJamalgonj, Sunamgoig
 Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Mammals During Seismic Survey2009-2010Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Mammals During Seismic Survey Chevron BangladeshBarguna, Patuakhali
 Environmental Governance project2008-2013Environmental governance net work, greening micro credit among the wetland users, Masters (NSU) and certificate course (BRAC-IGS) on environmental governance CIDA/MU/NSU and IGS-BRACHakaluki haor in  Moulvibazar and Fatki River in Magura
 Process Monitoring of the SIPP2008-2010Monitoring the processes of implementation of the SIPP program in two districts 30 million BDTWorld Bank/SDFUpazilas under Jamalpur and Gaibandha district
 Livelihood Recovery project2008-2009Livelihood recovery support to victims of Flood-2007 in 2 upaizlas of Sunamgonj10.29 m BDTECHO/ Action Aid BangladeshTahirpur, Dharmapasha
 Community Based Sustainable Management of Tanguar Haor Project (CMSMTHP)”-Phase- I, II & III2007-2015A collaborative management system is established for conservation, stabilisation and sustainable use of the natural resources of Tanguar Haor that generates significant improvements in the livelihoods of rural communities that benefits male and female equally and contributes to the costs incurred by management1.0 million  IUCNSunamganj
 SHEWAB project2007-2010Water and sanitation related planning, support and awareness building among the whole villagers of57.95m BDTUNICEF/DPHEDharpasha and Doarabazar, Sunamgonj district
 Community Based Management of Tanguar Haor Program2007-2015Awareness, ecological & social assessment, local institution at the village and UP levels, resource mapping, access by the poor fishers1.0 millionSDC/IUCN/DoFTahirpur, Sunamgonj
 SHARIQUE – Local Governance project2006-2010Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level0.29 million US$SDC/ CARE/ Interco- operationJamlganj, Sunamganj, Tahirpur
 SHAOUHARDO program2005- 2010Helping ultra poor to come out of poverty circle through asset transfer, training, health, capacity and linkage development1.2 million US$USAID/ CARE Bangladesh/DoFJamalganj, Sunamganj Sadar, Chattak, Tahirpur
 Flood Risk Reduction Activities of Sunamganj (FRRAS)2005-2009Planning and constructing submergible dykes with the local communities and UP3.58 million US$SDC/CARE BDTahirpur, Derai, Sulla, Dharmapasha, Sunamganj Sadar
 LEAF – Livelihood, Empowerment and Agro-forestry2004-2010Community empowerment through mobilization, training and accompaniment support, market linkage development0.69 million US$SDC/Inter CooperationJamalganj, Sunamganj Sadar
 Haor Unnoyon Nagorik Oykka (HUNO)          2002-2009Establish Rights of Poor and Marginalized people, asset development, improve access to social services specially basic education35.7m BDTAction Aid Bangladesh and SDCJamalgonj, Tahirpur, Bishwambarpur, of Sunamgonj district
 WFP FGD Study2010Effects of the financial Crisis on Vulnerable Households on Bangladesh, Follow-up Case Study, 201015,000 US$WFPBagerhat, Chandpur, Chittagong, Dhaka, Gaibandha, Gazipur, Khulna, Kumillah, Noakhali, Moulavibazar, Panchagar, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Sathkhira.
 CBFM-22001-2007Formation of water body based on community organization Capacity building of CBOs for continuation of management of water body in a sustainable way after project phase out. Hakaluki Haor under Moulvi Bazar district, Halir Haor under Sunamganj district, Pakundia under Kishoreganj district, Kalihati under Tangail district, Shalikha and Magura (S) under Magura district, Narail (S) under Narail.0.90 million US$DFID/Worldfish Center, DOFMoulvibazar, Sunamganj, Kishoregonj, Magura, Narail
Sl.ProjectDuration (From To)  Main Focus of the Project  Budget (BDT)Client/DonorLocation
 USAID Ecosystems/Protibesh Activity-CNRS2021-2026The goal of the USAID-funded Protibesh cooperative agreement aims to build the Government of Bangladesh’s (GOB) capacity to respond to a wide array of threats to biodiversity conservation in collaboration with civil society organizations and community stakeholders.Around 22 coreChemonics/ USAIDSunamgonj, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Habiganj, Khulna, Bagerhat, and Satkhira Districts
 Climate Risk Insurance -Innovation to Enhance Resilience (CRI) Project2021-2022The vision of this project is that governments, the private sector, NGOs, poor men and women and other stakeholders collaborate to promote the adoption of risk transfer solutions (e.g. index insurance) at scale to protect the rights and enhance livelihood opportunities of poor men and women living in areas vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change.OXFAM8,500,000Kurigram District
 Resilience Boat resident communities in Bangladesh2021-2023Reducing waterborne disease for boat dwelling communities in Chandpur through installation of FWC and Women Leadership. Improving access to health/sanitation service for boat dwelling people. Empowerment of Health/Sanitation and Disaster Preparedness.OXFAM17,000,000Chandpur, and Bhola districts
 Access to Justice at Community2021-2023Establish dispute resolution/Restorative Justice mechanisms at the community level through RJ facilitators with support of community volunteers. Awareness raising on legal and social issues and information provision on required services in the community.14,512,177GIZKoyra Upazila, Khulna
 Sustainable Forests & Livelihoods (SUFAL) Project2021-2023The overall objective of the project is to improve collaborative forest management and increase access to alternative income generation activities for forest-dependent communities in targeted sites.52,242,655Bangladesh Forest DepartmentSunamgonj, Sylhet, Moulvibazar, Hobigonj
 Gender -responsive Coastal Adaptation (GCA) Project2020-2023Enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change induced salinity, Bangladesh25,09,93,083UNDPKoyra, Khulna and Shyamnaga, Satkhira
 Improving Peaceful Coexistence and Livelihoods in Rohingya hosting areas in Bangladesh2019-2021Livelihood enhancement of host communities living around 7 refugee camps in Teknaf Upazila as well as supporting refugees towards building self-reliance.181,091,552UNHCRUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Maintaining Access to  Safe Environment in Rohingya camps in Bangladesh2019-2021Restoring and managing degraded hill stream watersheds in Ukhiya Upazila for the benefits of people (refugees and host communities) and natural environment and biodiversity while the other one99,660,591UNHCRUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Governance for Coastal Resilience Extension (G4CR-II) in Munshigonj Union, Shyamnagar upazila of Satkhira district, Bangladesh”2019- 2021The project aims to promote grassroots resilience approaches in the development policies and processes of local government bodies in the area of water availability, food security and resilient livelihoods.91,10,683new venture fund (NVF)Munshiganj union Satkhira
 Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh – SUCHANA (SCIBD), (WFC Part), (HKI Part)2015- 2022To achieve a significant reduction in the incidence of stunting among young children in the districts of Sylhet and Moulvibazar in Sylhet Division.  delivery of a set of integrated nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions in partnership with GoB, NGOs and private sector actors to enhance food and nutrition security of very poor households.546,023,151  DFID/EU/Save the Children, WFC, HKI  Upazillas of Moulvibazar District i.e. Moulvibazar Sadar, Kulaura, Juri, Baralekha, Rajnagar, Kamolganj, and Sreemangal.
 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (HFMLIP)-LGED Part2015- 2022In accordance with the development direction of the Haor Master Plan (April 2012), the Project aims to achieve the development of the Haor area with an integrated approach through flood management infrastructure development, rural infrastructure development and agriculture and fishery promotion activities.11609200IC NET Limited (LGED Part)Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria distrcits
 Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project (HFMLIP)-BWDB Part2015- 2022In accordance with the development direction of the Haor Master Plan (April 2012), the Project aims to achieve the development of the Haor area with an integrated approach through flood management infrastructure development, rural infrastructure development and agriculture and fishery promotion activities.38,707,500NIPPON KOEI CO. LTD.Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria distrcits
 Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP-II)2018 -2022Capacity buiding of VCF and People’s forum for sustainable co-management of Sundarban41,072,052GIZKhulna, Bagerhat
 Domestic Solid Waste Management Project- Bibiyana (DWMP-BY)2018-2021Management of solid wastes generated from the plants and drilling campaign (Major Capital Projects) in several locations of Chevron operation in Sylhet District during 2013-2019.53,300,000Chevron BangladeshNabiganj, Habiganj
 Domestic Solid Waste Management Project- Jalalabad (DWMP-JB)2013-2021Management of solid wastes generated from the plants and drilling campaign (Major Capital Projects) in several locations of Chevron operation in Sylhet District during 2013-2019.50,300,000Chevron BangladeshJalalabad, Sylhet
 Waste Management Services Letter of Contraact (LoC) for use in Kanchan-1 Maheskhali2020-2021 (Extension of agreement is on process)The management of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes that include the establishment of ETP, proper collection, transportation, segregation and disposal in line with the applicable legal requirements that will be generated from the Kanchan-1 drilling programme in the land part of Block SS-04.9,078,947Sinopec International Petrolium Service CorporationCox’s Bazar
 Consultancy Agreement Water Management and Innovation Program2018-2021The goal of the consultancy is to support the fast track project on drainage in polder 2, including facilitation of the activities of the Water management Groups (WMGs) that will operate and manage the pilot sites; and monitor the outputs of the pilot sites developed as part of the fast track.4,342,861DELTARES, NetherlandSatkhira, Patuakhali
 Haor Advocacy Platform2012 to ongoingReduce community vulnerability through improvement of life and livelihoods of the poor and marginalized Haor communities in Bangladesh by improving governance situation of Haor areas by establishing a common and dynamic advocacy platform involving different actors/stakeholders; ensuring better support and services in the Haor area by influencing government, non-government and private sector actors/stakeholders through greater collaboration, coordination and community mobilization.3,161,000Previously funded by Oxfam Hong Kong, Now is going with CNRS own fundDhaka, Sunamganj, Moulvibazaar, Sylhet, Habiganj, Kishorganj, Netrokona, Brahbanbaria
 CNRS Microfinance1998 To dateTo develop the socio-economic condition of poor communities through economic activities and microfinance; Develop the habit and tendency of saving; develop women leadership; involve the women into direct production by prioritizing them in the loan program.241,930,120N/AMouvibazaar, Sylhet, Sunamganj, Magura, Jessore, Khulna, Bagerhat, Narail
6. Field of activities- Past Performance References of some project
Sl. NoProjectDuration (From-To)  Main Focus of the Project    Budget (BDT)Client/DonorLocation
 Environmental Impact Monitoring of Rural Road Development Schemes3 year from October 1999Designing monitoring protocol, conduct baseline and post-intervention monitoring of variables related to fisheries, agricultural and settlement assets in selected 13 rural alignments in 11 districts of Bangladesh0.5 million US$      USAID /CARE- Ba       
 MACH (Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry)1998- 2010Participatory planning with the wetland users, production enhancement through habitat restoration, sanctuary establishment, watershed management, benefit and impact monitoring and awareness building.5.15 million US$USAID, Winrock International, BCAS and CARITASSreemongol, Kaliakoir and Sherpur
 DRR through FFA at Camps in Ukhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar2018-2021The project aims to enhace resilience to CC induced natural shocks of host community beneficiaries and people living in the camps.  561,593,127WFPUkhia & Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar
 Transboundary River for Our Sustainable Advancement-TROSA2017 – 2021Hisha conservation, empowerment of civil society organization, woem empowerment, action research, advocacy41,864,101Oxfam in BangladeshChadpur, Kuriggram
 Promotion of Resilient Livelihood Through Enhancing Opprtunities & Knowledge, Rejuvenating Institutions, and Adopting Ecotourism & Innovation (PROKRITI)2018-2021Promote engagement of development actors including enhancement of opportunities and knowledge for the community to promote resilient and sustainable livelihood options.  and increasing institutional strength with focus to improve ecotourism facilities8,394,163Christian AidSunamgonj
 Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-1 (CEIP-1)2019-2021Social mobilization including setting up WMOs for introduction of IWRM practices through preparation and implementation of Social Action plan through engagement of local communities and community groups for PSM and participatory O&M of schemes. Afforestation program specially in the fore-shore areas with ecologically appropriate species by adopting social afforestation approach. Implementation of the IPM practices.37,153,280BWDB/World BankKhulna
 Climate-Smart Agriculture assessment of farmers in major agro ecological zones of BangladeshJune 2021 to August 2021CSA assessment surveys have been developed for farmers and farmer organizations to identify strategies and tools for sustainable agriculture transitions that can be scaled up. Further, significant trade-offs can be expected between sustainable practices and productivity, especially as countries and farmers become eager to make up for losses experienced from the COVID-19 crisis.2,597,540FAO31 District
 Creating Livelihoods Opportunities for Host Communities through Environmental Rehabilitation2020-2021Enhancing the economic benefit of host communities through their engagement in the sustainable management of key natural resources within the agricultural farming community and fishery folks.5,501,468FAOTeknaf, Ukhiya, Ramu, Cox’s Bazar Sadar and Chakaria Upazila in Cox’s Bazar
 Process Monitoring of SDF2018 to 2021The Process Monitoring Agency i.e. CNRS is intended as partner of Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project of SDF, who will be the “eyes and ears’’ of the project at field level, feeding key observations and information to the staff and management.63,000,000SDF/World BankSylhet, Sherpur, Sariatpur, Satkhira, Rangpur, Mymensingh, Khulna, Gopalganj, Comilla, Chandpur, Barisal, Bagerhat
 Baseline Survey for Cox’s Bazar Resilience Programme under the project of OSRO/BGD/802/NET2019FAO’s Resilience Programme targets both household-level food security, as well as farmer group- level commercial production with technical support and market linkage development. The agricultural work is complemented by programming aimed to rebuild the natural resource base of the targeted upazilas, which have been heavily impacted by fire wood collection, a proliferation of hand pumps, the loss of agricultural land, degradation of topsoil and environmental contamination by soil and human waste.4,742,828.00FAOCox’s bazar
 Watershed for Social – ecological Resilience (W4SR) in Teknaf Peninsula2019-2020Building social-ecological resilience in the catchment of Rohingya impacted Reju Khal in Ukhiya. Priority watershed management interventions (other than biophysical and socioeconomic assessment)6,507,774FAOCox’s Bazar
 BGD Sida Local Child Protection Rohingya 2018-20202019-2020strengthen resilience and prevent and respond to different threats to the wellbeing of Rohingya children, families and host communities Child Protection, MHPSS, WASH, and self-reliance (FSL) activities.23483086Save The Children (SCiBD)Cox’s Bazar
 Access to Jalmahals and Khaslands in Haor areas in Sunamgonj (A2Jal)2019-2020Access to Jalmahal enabled for  fisher households and provided with capital, legal and input support for enabling them in Jalmahal, wetlands and ponds/ aquaculture management; part time fisher households accessed khas/ productive lands and provided with innovative technologies of climate variability resilient crops and input support;imparted skills on AIGA and with improved social services and public/private sector linkages.36,899,612Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF)Sunamgonj
 Baseline Survey on Factory/ Industry (having 5 or more than 5 workers) Involves in Production of Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) Areas for Business Database.2018One of the features of this baseline surveys to listing business/economic activities of the DSCC area irrespective of establishments, permanent or temporary, are enlisted prior to the DSCC or not. It is mention worthy that this step will help to register under the MoLE that will create opportunities of revenue earing for the government. It also contributes to ensure effective use of public resources for social safety net support to the business people and workers during accidents as per the labour law of Bangladesh.50,00,000Ministry of Labour and Employment Government of the People’s Republic of BanglaDhaka South City Corporation (DSCC)
 Empowering Women and Youth through Graduation and Financial Inclusion2018Strengthen the social and economic resilience of 600 ultra-poor women through an adapted graduation approach and increase access of 12,400 women to financial inclusion services.616,516.00Concern Worldwide, BangladeshKurigram Sadar and Ulipur upazila of Kurigram
 Nutrition awareness and Support Services of NLIP, SDF Khulna Region2017- 2020Raise awareness, improve attitudes and practices that enhance nutritional outcomes for targeted beneficiaries in selected project areas and to support beneficiaries in optimizing nutrition through their livelihood activities.65,000,000SDF/World BankKhulna, Satkhira, and Rangpur
 Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change (PROTIC)2017-2020Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change (PROTIC) has been initiated to begin specifically addressing women’s economic empowerment in agriculture for resilience.12,000,000OXFAM in BangladeshSunamgonj
 Governance for Climate Resilience (G4CR)2017- 2019The project aims to promote grassroots resilience approaches in the development policies and processes of local government bodies in the area of water availability, food security and resilient livelihoods.27,12,270ICCCADMunshiganj union Satkhira
 Climate Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL)2012-2019Scale up and adapt successful co-management models to conserve ecosystem and protected areas (Pas), improve governance of natural resources and biodiversity, and increase resilience to climate change through improved planning and livelihoods diversification.189,156,480USAIDSunamganj, Sylhet Tangail, Moulvibazaar, Khulna
 Reducing Dietary Related Risk Associated with Non-Communicable Diseases in Bangladesh (RDRNCD)2016- 2019Reducing Dietary Related Risks associated with Non-Communicable Diseases in Bangladesh (RDRNCD) project will work in 16 Upazillas of 8 Districts to improve dietary habits by enhancing the consumption of less processed and more diverse food, increasing the consumer demand for nutritious vegetables and fruits and scaling up indigenous vegetables to reduce dietary related risks associated with non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh.58,124,015International Development Research Center (IDRC)Moulvibazar, Sylhet, Sunamgonj, Sherpur, Jamalpur, Pabna, Khulna, Satkhira
 Enhanced Coastal Fisheries (ECOFISHBD) Project2015-2019Building social-ecological resilience through adoption of improved co-management governance of hilsha/catch fisheries and livelihoods of dependent communities in lower Ganges and Meghna estuary82,285,417 Chandpur, Shariatpur, Laxmipur
 Strengthering Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) in promoting inclusive and transparent Budget Process in Union Parishad2016- 2019Building capacity of civil society organizations, UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level21640217HELVETAS / GERMANYKhulna
 Management of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forests for Biodiversity Conservation and Increased Adaptation to Climate Change (SMP)2017 -2018Capacity buiding of VCF and People’s forum for sustainable co-management of Sundarban15,812,861GOPA World Wide ConsultantKhulna, Bagerhat
 Scoping Study on Halda River under Environmental Governance for Climate Compatible Conservation of Water Quality in Rivers and Wetlands project2016-2019Socio-economic baseline studies, Participatory Action Plan Development Sessions (PAPD), pollution sources and load status including trends analysis, potential fisheries management measures identification, Actor mapping and Stakeholder Analysis, GIS mapping of river basins etc. Finally based on the outcomes of all these studies CNRS has designed an outline of future bankable project for Halda River conservation and management including monitoring and proposed to UNDP. UNDP (August 2016-December 2016), funding by CNRS for rest of the periodKhagraChari, Chittagong
 Expanding the Protected Area System to Incorporate Important Aquatic Ecosystem Project2018 to 2019Natural Resource Management8,295,000IUCN_BBagerhat
 Community Based Sustainable Management of Tanguar Haor Project (Bridging Phase)March 2018 to November 2018Natural Resource Management3,450,800IUCN_BSunamgonj
 Let Her Decide and Participate (LHDP)2017Women’s Leadership and Resilient Communities; Increase Women’s Participation and Leadership and Reducing Gender Based Violence and discrimination.213,427USDOXFAMSunamgonj
 Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation through Value Chain Analysis, Early Warning Needs, Collaborative Resource Management in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh2013-2014This project is designed to analyze and develop the value chain and marketing of selected products promoted by the project, develop a functional early warning communication system for (05) five vulnerable communities and provide policy inputs for multi-stakeholder adaptive resource governance at local level.4,339 USDDOE/ UNDPHatiya, Noakhali;  Charfassion, Bhola;  BargunaSadarBarguna and  Anwara, Chttagong
 Local Governance Programmme SHARIQUE Phase III 2014- 2017Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level0.29 million US$HELVETAS  Swiss IntercooperationKhulna
 Local Governance Programmme SHARIQUE Phase III 2014- 2017Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level HELVETAS  Swiss IntercooperationSunamgonj
 Post-harvest Survey on Seed Potato Producers,  Sweet Potato Producers and Vegetable Producers (commercial Farmers) to Document Results2014-2015 Document results that have been generated at farmers end as a result of technology dissemination on quality seed potato production, sweet potato production and vegetable production by estimating production per unit of land, consumption, sales, income generation, household nutritional status, household income, total preserved crop in storage and by assessing women extra workload due to USAID horticulture project intervention.20,191 USDUSAIDJessore, Faridpur, Barisal and Potuakhali.
 Impact Evaluation of the DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh2014-2015Impact Evaluation of DFID Programme to Accelerate Improved Nutrition for the Extreme Poor in Bangladesh thataims to improve nutrition outcomes for young children, pregnant and lactating mothers, and adolescent girls. USD 171,000DFID29 districts of Bangladesh
 Urban Youth Development Project(c)2013-2016Youth employment generation, women empowerment, capacity building and sustainability. This project seeks to improve positive impacts on environment, community economic development and livelihoods, universal education, basic health and engage with basic needs of our stakeholders.22,029,414Chevron BangladeshSylhet, Habigonj
 Mangrove for Future (MFF)  2013 -2014Diversify land-water based livelihoods and increase food security to reduce IUCNTahirpur and Sunamganj
 Preparing Adaptation Management Plan on Coastal Afforestation, Livelihood Diversification and Early Warning Actions for four project sites2013-2014This project aims to ensure and brings communities and stakeholders together for sharing of activities and responsibilities through a coordinated mechanism leading to a structured system of perpetual adaptation of climate change impacts.44,939 USDDOE/ UNDPHatiya, Noakhali;  Charfassion, Bhola;  BargunaSadarBarguna and  Anwara, Chttagong.
 Building Adaptive Capacity to address climate change risks2012-2016Adaptive cropping trail to help farmers safe rice crop from flashfloods, health and education support to poor communities213,427USDOXFAM Hong KongTahirpur under Sunamgonj District
 Process Monitoring of Empowerment of Extreme Poor “Nuton Jibon” project for Northern Zone of Bangladesh2012-2015Empower the poor and strengthen local governance by developing sustainable, participatory and accountable rural community institutions; Reduce vulnerability of the poor to risks, in particular those associated with natural hazards and climate variability; Increase employment opportunities by enhancing skills, supporting expansion of income generating activities and strengthening access to markets and financial institutions; and Support small–scale demand–driven community investment sub-projects that are prioritized, implemented and managed directly by the rural poor.0.50 million US$SDF/World BankRangpur Region (Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari, Dinajpur and Naogaon districts); Jamalpur Region: (Jamalpur, Sherpur, Mymensingh, Sirajganj and Sylhet districts).
 Socio-economic baseline survey2011-2012Census over 120,000 HHs  through wealth ranking of 494 villages in 15 districts,  Baseline questionnaire survey of 5,000 HHs in 494 villages, Artifactual survey (qualitative exercise) in 494 villages0.15 million US$SDF/ World BankBagerhat, Patuakhali, Barguna, Pirojpur, Barisal, Rangpur, Dnajpur, Kurigram, Naogaon, Nilphamari, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Mymenssingh, Sirajganj and Sunamganj districts
 Alternative Livelihood Program (ALP)2011-2016The project is to build capacity of the people to acquire and analyze developmentally appropriate information and to make life choices based on this information and enhance livelihood capacity of the disadvantaged people by diversifying livelihood option.USD 104,421Chevron BangladeshSylhet
 CC&E Project2010-2012Community Consultation and Engagement-Block-7 Exploration Drilling Program Chevron BangladeshGolachipa, Patuakhali
 Integrated Protected Area Co-management  2010-2011Integrated Protected Area Co-management. Forest and wetland management, PRA with forest and wetland user groups, co-management of protected areas, development of alternative livelihoods and training, awareness, communication etc.01  million US$IRGSundarban, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Reserve forests in Moulvibazar district, National parks in Sylhet,Gazipur and Tangail districts, wetland sites in Sherpur, Sunamganj, Gazipur and Moulve Bazar districts
 Non-farm livelihood adaptation approaches and technologies2010-2012Identify the potential climate change induced risks on the farm activities, identify the potential alternative non-farm options for vulnerable poor people, strategies to mainstream non-farm options, required technologies and its viability for non-farm options, and present policy gaps.8.73m BDTUNDPLalmonirhat, Sirajganj, Faridpur, Kurigram, Gaibandha, Jamalpur, Bogra, Pabna, Rangpur, Rajshahi, Naogaon, Chapai NG, Nilphamari, Natore, Barisal, Mymensingh, Patuakhali, Bhola, Sherpur, Baguna
 Emergency support to the flash flood affected districts of haor regions (North-East part of Bangladesh)2010Distribute food package and rehabilitation programme.3.55 m BDT  Europium CommissionSunamgonj-Dharmapasha, Taherpur.
 Wetland biodiversity rehabilitation Project (WBRP)2009-2015Addressing rehabilitation of degraded wetland biodiversity of Jamina-Ganges river basin and enhancement of natural fish production and livelihood development of wetland dependent community.01.5  million US$DoF/GTZ/CNRSJamina-Ganges River Basin Upazila= Bera, Sujanagar & Santhi District= Pabna
 Swamp Forest Restoration in Haor Area of Sunamgonj district2009 -2017Ensure sustainable conservation of the swamp forests in the Haor basin of Bangladesh through effective participation and development of livelihood of poor communities.100,000 US$Arannayk FoundationSunamganj
 SHIREE 2009-2012Asset transfer, Adaptive cropping, Increase crop intensity to help extreme poor to come out of poverty and to minimize flashfloods effects as well as health and education support to poor communities. (DFID-Shiree)0.40  million US$DFIDJamalgonj, Sunamgoig
 Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Mammals During Seismic Survey2009-2010Environmental Monitoring of Aquatic Mammals During Seismic Survey Chevron BangladeshBarguna, Patuakhali
 Environmental Governance project2008-2013Environmental governance net work, greening micro credit among the wetland users, Masters (NSU) and certificate course (BRAC-IGS) on environmental governance CIDA/MU/NSU and IGS-BRACHakaluki haor in  Moulvibazar and Fatki River in Magura
 Process Monitoring of the SIPP2008-2010Monitoring the processes of implementation of the SIPP program in two districts 30 million BDTWorld Bank/SDFUpazilas under Jamalpur and Gaibandha district
 Livelihood Recovery project2008-2009Livelihood recovery support to victims of Flood-2007 in 2 upaizlas of Sunamgonj10.29 m BDTECHO/ Action Aid BangladeshTahirpur, Dharmapasha
 Community Based Sustainable Management of Tanguar Haor Project (CMSMTHP)”-Phase- I, II & III2007-2015A collaborative management system is established for conservation, stabilisation and sustainable use of the natural resources of Tanguar Haor that generates significant improvements in the livelihoods of rural communities that benefits male and female equally and contributes to the costs incurred by management1.0 million  IUCNSunamganj
 SHEWAB project2007-2010Water and sanitation related planning, support and awareness building among the whole villagers of57.95m BDTUNICEF/DPHEDharpasha and Doarabazar, Sunamgonj district
 Community Based Management of Tanguar Haor Program2007-2015Awareness, ecological & social assessment, local institution at the village and UP levels, resource mapping, access by the poor fishers1.0 millionSDC/IUCN/DoFTahirpur, Sunamgonj
 SHARIQUE – Local Governance project2006-2010Building capacity of UPs, CBOs and communities for mutual accountability and transparency at UP level0.29 million US$SDC/ CARE/ Interco- operationJamlganj, Sunamganj, Tahirpur
 SHAOUHARDO program2005- 2010Helping ultra poor to come out of poverty circle through asset transfer, training, health, capacity and linkage development1.2 million US$USAID/ CARE Bangladesh/DoFJamalganj, Sunamganj Sadar, Chattak, Tahirpur
 Flood Risk Reduction Activities of Sunamganj (FRRAS)2005-2009Planning and constructing submergible dykes with the local communities and UP3.58 million US$SDC/CARE BDTahirpur, Derai, Sulla, Dharmapasha, Sunamganj Sadar
 LEAF – Livelihood, Empowerment and Agro-forestry2004-2010Community empowerment through mobilization, training and accompaniment support, market linkage development0.69 million US$SDC/Inter CooperationJamalganj, Sunamganj Sadar
 Haor Unnoyon Nagorik Oykka (HUNO)          2002-2009Establish Rights of Poor and Marginalized people, asset development, improve access to social services specially basic education35.7m BDTAction Aid Bangladesh and SDCJamalgonj, Tahirpur, Bishwambarpur, of Sunamgonj district
 WFP FGD Study2010Effects of the financial Crisis on Vulnerable Households on Bangladesh, Follow-up Case Study, 201015,000 US$WFPBagerhat, Chandpur, Chittagong, Dhaka, Gaibandha, Gazipur, Khulna, Kumillah, Noakhali, Moulavibazar, Panchagar, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Sathkhira.
 CBFM-22001-2007Formation of water body based on community organization Capacity building of CBOs for continuation of management of water body in a sustainable way after project phase out. Hakaluki Haor under Moulvi Bazar district, Halir Haor under Sunamganj district, Pakundia under Kishoreganj district, Kalihati under Tangail district, Shalikha and Magura (S) under Magura district, Narail (S) under Narail.0.90 million US$DFID/Worldfish Center, DOFMoulvibazar, Sunamganj, Kishoregonj, Magura, Narail