In a certain village of Sreemongal, their lives an impoverished adolescent who used to think that money is the magic wizard that can ensure almost everything. She has been living in a family having 7 members while her father a day labor is the only breadwinner. Her father can barely manage the square meal let alone educational expenses. Reasonably, she does not have the opportunity of attending school.
Meanwhile, in October 2016, Suchana, a project focusing ending the cycle of under nutrition in Bangladesh, launched its first phase to that village. By doing wealth ranking the project has found the girl’s house hold is very poor and entitled it as beneficiary. Right after being a beneficiary, the girl has received training on basic nutrition, horticulture and goat rearing gradually. The project has provided her inputs such as seeds of different vegetables and goats. Eventually, she has started getting tremendous result as she employed all her learnings from training accordingly. Notably, she has got good yield and kids from goat. She has used freshly grown vegetables to ensure nutritious food intake for her family and sold the surplus in local market. Additionally, she sold the goats. By doing all these, she was able to make a total of taka 21000 BDT. She used 3000 BDT from this money to buy chicken and duck, 4000 BDT for the treatment purpose of her brother and rest of the money to meet the nutrition need of her family. Additionally, she has started saving money to buy a cow.
She opined that “Once I don’t have to penny to spend but now I’m saving money. These awareness, change and savings are resulted only because of Suchana. I’m grateful to the project.”
The name of the aforementioned change maker is Rabia Akter, BHH #5883190702539, living in Bhunabir village of Sreemongal upazila in Moulvibazar District.