Lalban Begum registered as Suchana beneficiary at 2017 when her family condition was not as good as
now. Her husband Wajid Mian is an agricultural day labor and earns a little which was not sufficient to
maintain a family with seven members. As a lactating Women (LW) she enrolled in M&C group. She was a regular member of M&C group where she learnt nutrition education. She is not only a good learner but also a good practitioner. She adopted Suchana learning that she acquired through courtyard session in M&C group, HFP‐vegetable training and also from IGA skill training.
Lalban Begum is a housewife and not so well educated. Her husband is a farmer and earns a little. Before
involving with Suchana they were not aware about family improvement. They lead their family in very
poor condition. They had difficulties to maintain their children health and education. Their house
condition was not so good and they were not conscious about nutrition, sanitation and hygiene issue.
They were not able to consume nutritious food daily. Their children heath condition was not also good.
They did not know which foods are essential for maternal health and proper growth of children. They had
not enough family resources at their own.
In early 2017, she was provided trainings on horticulture followed by seeds package for cultivating
vegetables in her homestead land. She followed improved technologies like‐ raised bed, fencing,
improved pits & intercultural operation etc. in her garden. From then she is consuming vegetables of her
own garden, even, some time she sold surplus vegetables. As an extreme poor household Laban
assigned IGA‐goat for so that she overcome economic barriers to secure nutrition food. She received two
goats from Suchana and luckily she got four kids from those two goats. She prepared a good house for
the goats and regularly clean it. She also keep regular communication with DLS field level staff so that her
goats grow up safely.
Now Lalban Begum is seeing a window of hope in front of her after joining with Suchana interventions.