Fatema Begum (BHH ID 585666290007) from Rasulpur village of Patanushar Union in Kamalganj Upazila brings her 10-month-aged child Hamida Akter in GMP session regularly. During one GMP session, one of the SUCHANA Community Mobilizer (SCM) has found Hamida’s growth mismatches with the ideal growth of her age. On that GMP her MUAC has been found only 10.3 and weight measuring 5.500 kg. Knowing this situation, SUCHANA Field team lead by Shukla Shinga, Union Coordinator of Patanushar Union, has responded quickly by taking technical support from A.B.M Muazzam Hossain, Nutrition Officer, Kamalganj Upazila.
Moreover, by realizing the critical situation, the nutrition officer has visited Hamida’s household with a view to giving counselling to her parents and referred Hamida to the SAM unit of Kamalganj Upazila Health Complex immediately. As a result of his counselling, Hamida’s parents came to realize the importance of medication and proper treatment and admitted her to the SAM unit of Kamalganj Upazila Health complex on 05 August 2019. Eventually she has received intensive care at upazila health complex. During her discharge on August 10 2019, there are significant improvements have been shown. Her MUAC has been improved into 11.03 instead of 10.03 and weight increased by 6 grm from 5.500 gm.